Freeing Up Space At Home

Freeing Up Space At Home

  • Tips For Storing Tools During The Winter Season

    Most people store their outdoor or garden tools and equipment during the winter season. A self-storage facility makes a perfect storage place as it allows you to get the tools out of the way so that they don't get damaged or cause injuries in your house. Just make sure you take these precautions first so that your tools and equipment are in their perfect conditions when you come back for them after the cold season.

  • Guidelines For Your Spring Cleaning Project

    In order to get ready for your spring cleaning, make sure that you do everything that you can to smooth out the process. To be sure that you are able to get the most out of this spring cleaning, there are numerous steps that you can walk through. With this in mind, take these guidelines into consideration and use them to clean your home out to your standards.  Plan Out Your Spring Cleaning Well In Advance To Handle Logistics

2024© Freeing Up Space At Home
About Me
Freeing Up Space At Home

About a year ago, I realized that my house was too jam packed with items. I was tired of dealing with the crowded space, so I decided to rent a storage facility to improve things. When I moved things out of the house, it was amazing to see how much more light and airy the space felt. Overnight, I felt invigorated and excited about my home. This blog is all about storing furniture to free up space at home, and learning how to store things in your storage unit the right way. You never know, you might be able to free up some space in your house, without compromising the integrity of your belongings.
